“SEC Central,” created by the Clarion-Ledger and Bash Brothers Media, is a new video show for passionate SEC fans and the college football season. ‘SEC Central’ is filmed every week at the Hotel King Edward in Jackson, Mississippi. With host Mackenzie Salmon (Clarion Ledger), Ole Miss great Mike Espy, Miss. State great Wayne Madkin, and Bash Brothers VP Jon Wiener.
‘SEC Central’ combines a national digital network, cutting-edge production, an iconic location, and a diverse cast of media stars and SEC footbal greats. Get information, insight, and excitement on the No.1 conference in college football.
SEC Central can be seen every week on the following USA Today Network affiliates:
The Clarion Ledger (Jackson, Miss.) (clarionledger.com), The Tennessean (Nashville, Tenn.) (tennessean.com), The Louisville Courier-Journal (Louisville, Ky.) (courier-journal.com), The Montgomery Adviser (Montgomery, Ala.) (montgomeryadviser.com), The Shreveport Times (Shreveport, La.) (shreveporttimes.com), The Greenville News (Greenville, SC) (greenvilleonline.com), The News-Star (Monroe, La.) (thenewsstar.com), The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, La.) (theadvertiser.com), The Town Talk (Alexandria, La.)(thetowntalk.com), The Knoxville News Sentinel (Knoxville, Tennessee.).